Lower Body Training – 7.5.13

Warm up:

Foam rolling – quads, piriformis, calves
Hip flexor stretches & hip opening exercises
Third world squat


25kg x5
45kg x5
62.5kg x5
62.5kg x5
62.5kg x5

Romanian Deadlifts:

40kg x6
60kg x8
60kg x8

Leg Press:

110kg x6
190kg x8
180kg x8

Lying Leg Curls:

20kg x6
35kg x8
30kg x8

Standing Calf Raise:

210kg x10
200kg x8

Seated Calf Raise:

50kg x9
50kg x7

Really decent lower body session. Taking heavy conventional deadlifts out of this workout and putting them into upper body was definitely the right thing to do.  We were beginning to dread training legs knowing we’d have squats followed by heavy deads but now we can focus 100% on squats which is good now the weight is starting to creep up again.

I was posing in the changing room after the above session, having a wee flex and it was only when I got home and looked at the picture that I saw the crazy quad pump going on!  Booty was popping nicely too of course…

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